If you are having difficulty logging in or receiving emails, you are in the right place
For Regular Members.
If you are having difficulty logging in, click
here to reset your password.
If you are not receiving emails, this is probably because you have a Microsoft (outlook, Hotmail, Live etc), Gmail, Yahoo or similar email address. We have seen that services like Gmail, Microsoft and Yahoo Mail block email to protect you from unwanted or malicious email such as phishing, scams and spam. Sometimes their filters can mistake genuine emails, such as those from the Phoenix Singers Leek, for spam and either send them to the Junk folder or even delete them before you even get to see them. This will mean that you will not receive any emails from the choir and you will miss important emails.
In order to fix this and start receiving choir emails, you will need to add "
phoenixsingersleek.co.uk" to your
safe senders list (also known as your whitelist). Please click
here for how to do this.
If you have any problems with logging in, or with adding "phoenixsingersleek.co.uk" to your safe senders list please get in touch - you can email me at webmaster@phoenixsingersleek.co.uk - and I will be happy to help.
For Committee Members (you will need to be logged in to see these pages)
here to learn how to send an email to members on ouir mailing lists or
here for people not on our lists.
here to learn how to publish documents (such as minutes or treasurer's reports) to the website.