About Phoenix Singers Leek

About Us

The Phoenix Singers adopted its name in 1985, when the choir was re-born from the ashes of the former Leek High School Choir. Since then the choir has developed a varied repertoire, performing major choral works, small-scale pieces and contemporary music. It draws its membership from all parts of the Staffordshire Moorlands and beyond. A registered charity (no.1085474), it is a genuine community choir in that it welcomes anyone who enjoys singing.

The Phoenix singers is a mixed voice choir and is open to anyone who can sing in tune and can attend regularly. No auditions are required. A minimum attendance of 75% is expected and apologies for non-attendance should be given to your section representative prior to rehearsals. Members who are unable to attend at least four out of the last six rehearsals prior to a concert will not be eligible to perform. 

We usually perform two major concerts a year. Rehearsals at present are at East Street School on a Monday evening in term time, between 7:30 pm prompt and 9:15 pm. There is always an afternoon rehearsal on the day of a concert.

Subscriptions are due on the 1st of February each year and are, are present, £100 a year. We normally have between 40 and 42 rehearsals a year. In a normal year we usually have a break in August however this is subject to change depending on what we have committed ourselves to.

The subscriptions pay for insurance cover, hire of the school and basic expenses incurred by the musical Director and Accompanist. Any profits made from concerts are saved to build up a reserve fund to cover us when we make a loss - which can happen when we hire an orchestra to assist in a production. Occasionally we have money raising events to boost the reserve fund. We regularly apply for, and sometimes receive, grants which are available to assist the arts in this area.

We also normally manage two choir socials a year, one at Christmas and the other in the summer. We often have some sort of post concert party.

The choir has been involved with exchanges with choirs in France, Holland, Spain and Leek’s twin town of Este in Italy.

To celebrate its 25th anniversary, The Phoenix Singers established “Young Phoenix” for 7-13 year olds, offering local children the opportunity to sing and make music together and also to take part in concerts with the senior choir.

Brought to you by Making Music
Copyright © 2025 Phoenix Singers Leek